Our Services

Automatic and Manual lessons

We offer our students the choice of both Automatic and Manual vehicles for their driving lessons. Our school cars are fully dual-controlled and correctly insured for lessons and driving test purposes. 

Vehicles are maintained to a high standard to ensure reliability.

Please be aware that should you choose to take your driving test in an automatic vehicle, your full licence will be restricted to automatic vehicles only. 

If you plan to take further licence categories, it would be advisable to take a manual car test as this would then allow you take additional licence category tests in an automatic vehicle but still have a manual entitlement for that vehicle. 

Essential Driver Training (EDT)

We offer both full and reduced EDT in both manual and automatic dual controlled vehicles. 

Pre-test/Mock test and Car Hire

Pre-test and car hire is available to current students of Haughton School of Motoring. If you require car hire for your driving test and you are not a current student, then a minimum of 4 hours of lessons are required so we can evaluate your suitability for car hire.

Mock Tests

We offer mock tests that cover test centres in Gorey, Wicklow and Wexford that are designed to replicate the driving test enviroment by following the exact format of the driving test and utilising the exact test routes that you may face on the day of your test. 

Peter is an ex RSA tester, he has the ability and experience to simulate a driving test exactly as you will experience on the day of your test. 

Motorway/Parking Lessons

Have you passed your test? Congratulations! How about a motorway lesson? We offer lessons covering various aspects of motorway driving to help newly qualified drivers to understand how a motorway works and to help you become a safe and confident driver on what can be a very busy and fast moving road. 

We also provide parking lessons! Parking is not necessarily an aspect that is covered on the driving test or even during driving lessons. Therefore when it comes to learning to park after you have passed your test, it can be a baptism by fire in some respects! Take the worry away and book a parking lesson with us and learn how to do it best! 

Driving School App

At Haughton School fo Motoring we use and app for all of our scheduling and communication with out students. This enables you as a student to keep a record of lessons both past and present. Payments and all messages sent between Instructor and Pupil. There is also a facility that allows pupils to upload their availability thus reducing the chance of missed lesson or unsuitable lesson times. 

The app also offers a function that allows a parent to be added to the app so they can see lesson activity, payments and lesson progress. 

You can watch a video that explains how the app works here

Українські водії-учні

українські та російські учні 


Ми раді, що можемо надавати уроки водіння українським та російським учням з обмеженою англійською. Для цього ми об’єдналися з сертифікованим перекладачем з російської мови, який із задоволенням відвідує уроки водіння та перекладає за потреби. 

Звичайно, це призведе до додаткових витрат, але це дозволить учням з обмеженою англійською навчитися керувати автомобілем без мовного бар’єру. 


Для отримання додаткової інформації ,будь ласка, напишіть нам на електронну пошту 


Русские водители-ученики

Учащиеся украинского и русского языков 


Мы рады возможности предоставлять уроки вождения украинским и русским ученикам, плохо владеющим английским языком. Для этого мы объединились с сертифицированным русским переводчиком, который с радостью приедет на уроки вождения и при необходимости переведет. 

Это, конечно, потребует дополнительных затрат, но позволит учащимся с ограниченным знанием английского языка научиться водить машину без языкового барьера. 


Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по электронному адресу peter@haughton.ie

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first steps in my journey?

Firstly, you need to obtain a learner permit. This is achieved by booking and passing a theory test for your required category. Once you have passed your theory test, you can then apply for a learner permit in your desired categories and book lessons with us! 

You can book your theory test here

What areas do you cover?

We cover RSA test centres in Wicklow, Gorey and Wexford. We also offer lessons in the surrounding areas of these test centres. 

What do I bring to my driving lesson?

You will need a current and valid learner permit to start your driving lessons.

You will need to ensure that you bring correct eyewear, where required.

You will need to wear appropriate footwear. This is footwear with a heel strap or full shoe. 

What transmission types do you offer?

We offer both manual and automatic transmissions vehicles. All of our vehicles are dual controlled, correctly insured and well maintained.

Lessons can also be carried out in the pupils car where our instructors feel it is safe to do so and where the pupil feels comfortable to do so. 

How many lessons will I need?

Essential Driver Training (EDT) consists of 12 mandatory lessons which are laid out in the RSA's EDT booklet which can be downloaded here - EDT Booklet.pdf

The subsequent number of lessons required post EDT varies for each individual. Our instructors will assess your progress and recommend an appropriate plan.

Do you offer vehicle hire for driving tests?

The short answer here is yes, but only to current students. 

If you require car hire for driving tests and you are not currently a student of Haughton School of Motoring. We will require to book a minimum of 4 hours lessons so you can be assessed by our instructors before we will offer a vehicle for hire. If a car is offered, you will also be required to pay a refundable deposit on the vehicle as well as a hire fee. The deposit is fully refundable provided the vehicle is returned undamaged.

A little about us

At Haughton School of Motoring, our mission is to provide high-quality driving instruction that empowers our students to become safe, confident, and skilled drivers with experienced and patient instructors.

We offer a range of services tailored to meet the needs of each individual learner. Whether you are a beginner, looking to enhance your driving skills, or preparing for your driving test, we are here to support you every step of the way. Our commitment to excellence and our student-centric approach have made us one of the most trusted driving schools in the Southeast.